Olof Hallonsten

In English / på engelska

In Swedish / på svenska

Journal articles

Hallonsten O & A Thomasson (2024) Hybrid organizations – what's in a name? Forthcoming in Journal of Organizational Sociology.

Wieczorek O, Hallonsten O & F Åström (2024) Is Management and Organizational Studies divided into (micro-)tribes? Scientometrics 129(7): 3871–3995.

Schaefer S & O Hallonsten (2024) What's wrong with creativity? Organization 31(5): 820-828.

Hallonsten O (2024) Where did all the money go? Funding, personnel, and expenditure in Swedish universities and colleges 2001–21. Quality in Higher Education 24(1): 55-74.

Hallonsten O & E Sevelin (2023) Why do associations run independent schools in Sweden, and why does it matter? Scandinavian Journal of Public Administration 27(2): 71-84.

Hammarfelt B & O Hallonsten (2022) Are evaluative bibliometrics neoliberal? A historical and theoretical problematization. Social Science Information 61(4): 414-438.

Alvehus J & O Hallonsten (2022) Institutional logics and functionalist differentiation theory: Challenges and pathways forward. Organization Theory 3(3): 1-22.

Hallonsten O (2022) The 'yawning abyss' between surface and substance: Organizational life as 'pseudo-reality'. Scandinavian Journal of Management 38(2): 101210.

Hallonsten O (2022) On the essential role of organized skepticism in science’s “internal and lawful autonomy” (Eigengesetzlichkeit). Journal of Classical Sociology 22(3): 282-303.

Hallonsten O (2021) Keep discussing evaluation – A personal and appreciative reflection. Social Science Information 60(3): 384-394.

Hallonsten O (2021) Stop evaluating science: A historical-sociological argument. Social Science Information 60(1): 7-26.

Hallonsten O (2021) Weber’s value spheres, functional differentiation, and Zetterberg’s Many-Splendored Society. Max Weber Studies 21(2): 151-170.

Hallonsten O (2020) Research infrastructures in Europe: The hype and the field. European Review 28(4): 617–635.

Perez Vico E & O Hallonsten (2019) How industry collaboration influences research: The case of the Swedish Interdisciplinary Material Consortia 1990-2000. Industry and Higher Education 33(5) 289-307.

Hallonsten O (2018) Development and transformation of the third sector of R&D in Sweden, 1942-2017. Science and Public Policy 45(5): 634-644.

Hallonsten O & O Christensson (2017) Collaborative technological innovation in an academic, user-oriented Big Science facility. Industry and Higher Education 31(6) 399-408.

Hallonsten O (2017) The third sector of R&D: Literature review, basic analysis, and research agenda. Prometheus 35(1): 21-35.

Perez Vico E & O Hallonsten (2017) A resource- and impact-based micro-level conceptualization of collaborative academic work. Aslib Journal of Information Management 69(5): 624-639.

Gribbe J & O Hallonsten (2017) The emergence and growth of materials science in Swedish universities. Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences 47(4): 459-493.

Hallonsten O (2016) Use and productivity of contemporary, multidisciplinary Big Science. Research Evaluation 25(4): 486-495.

Hallonsten O & T Heinze (2015) Formation and Expansion of a New Organizational Field in Experimental Science. Science and Public Policy 42(6): 841-854.

Hallonsten O (2015) Unpreparedness and risk in Big Science policy: Sweden and the European Spallation Source. Science and Public Policy 42(3): 415-426.

Heidler R & O Hallonsten (2015) Qualifying the performance evaluation of Big Science beyond productivity, impact and costs. Scientometrics 104(1): 295-312.

Holmberg D & O Hallonsten (2015) Policy reform and academic drift: Research mission and institutional legitimacy in the development of the Swedish higher education system 1977-2012. European Journal of Higher Education 5(2): 181–196.

Hallonsten O (2015) The parasites: Synchrotron radiation at SLAC, 1972-1992. Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences 45(2): 217-272.

Hallonsten O (2014) How scientists may ‘benefit from the mess’: A resource dependence perspective on individual organizing in contemporary science. Social Science Information 53(3): 341-362.

Hallonsten O & O Hugander (2014) Supporting ‘future research leaders’ in Sweden: Institutional isomorphism and inadvertent funding agglomeration. Research Evaluation 23(3): 249-260.

Hallonsten O (2014) How expensive is Big Science? Consequences of using simple publication counts in performance assessment of large scientific facilities. Scientometrics 100(2): 483-496.

Hallonsten O & T Heinze (2013) From particle physics to photon science: Multidimensional and multilevel renewal at DESY and SLAC. Science and Public Policy 40(5): 591-603.

Hallonsten O & D Holmberg (2013) Analyzing structural stratification in the Swedish higher education system: data contextualization with policy-history analysis. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 64(3): 574-586.

Hallonsten O & C Silander (2012) Commissioning the university of excellence: Swedish research policy and new public research funding programs. Quality in Higher Education 18(3): 367-381.

Hallonsten O (2012) Seeking alternative researcher identities in newcomer academic institutions in Sweden. Higher Education Management and Policy 24(1): 69-86.

Hallonsten O & T Heinze (2012) Institutional persistence through gradual adaptation: analysis of national laboratories in the USA and Germany. Science and Public Policy 39(4): 450-463.


Hallonsten O, Jonsson A, Rennstam J & N Sörgärde (eds) (2024) Metaphors We Supervise By. Studentlitteratur.

Hallonsten O (2023) Empty Innovation. Causes and Consequences of Society’s Obsession with Entrepreneurship and Growth. Palgrave Macmillan.

Hallonsten O (2020) The Campaign. How a European Big Science facility ended up on the peripheral farmlands of Southern Sweden. Arkiv Academic Press.

Cramer K & O Hallonsten (eds) (2020) Big Science and Research Infrastructures in Europe. Edward Elgar.

Hallonsten O (2016) Big Science Transformed. Science, Politics and Organization in Europe and the United States. Palgrave Macmillan.

Hallonsten O (ed) (2012) In pursuit of a promise: Perspectives on the political process to establish the European Spallation Source (ESS) in Lund, Sweden. Arkiv Academic Press.

Book chapters

Hallonsten O (2024) Got it, do it! In Hallonsten O, Jonsson A, Rennstam J & N Sörgärde (eds) Metaphors We Supervise By. Studentlitteratur.

Hallonsten O (2024) Innovationism and the New Public Intellectuals. In Henrekson M, Sandström C & M Stenkula (eds) Moonshots and the New Industrial Policy: Questioning the Mission Economy. Springer.

Hallonsten O (2020) Is there an ‘iron law’ of Big Science? In Cramer K & O Hallonsten (eds) Big Science and Research Infrastructures in Europe. Edward Elgar.

Hallonsten O, Eriksson H & A Collsiöö (2020) The role of research infrastructures in innovation systems: the case of Swedish participation in the Halden Reactor Project (HRP). In Cramer K & O Hallonsten (eds) Big Science and Research Infrastructures in Europe.. Edward Elgar.

Hallonsten O (2014) The Politics of European Collaboration in Big Science. In Mayer M, Carpes M & R Knoblich (eds) The Global Politics of Science and Technology - Vol. 2. Springer.

Hallonsten O (2013) Myths and realities of the ESS project: A systematic scrutiny of readily accepted ‘truths’. In Kaiserfeld T & T O'Dell (eds) Legitimizing ESS: Big Science as a collaboration across boundaries. Nordic Academic Press.

Hallonsten O (2012) Contextualizing the European Spallation Source: what we can learn from the history, politics, and sociology of Big Science. In Hallonsten O (ed) In pursuit of a promise: Perspectives on the political process to establish the European Spallation Source (ESS) in Lund, Sweden. Arkiv Academic Press.


Hallonsten O & M Slavcheva (2018) RIO Country Report 2017: Sweden. European Commission, Joint Research Centre Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (IPTS).

Hallonsten O & O Christensson (2017) An ex post impact study of MAX-lab. Lund University.

Eriksson H, Olsson A & O Hallonsten (2016). Evaluation of the Swedish participation in the Halden Reactor Project 2006–2014. Swedish Radiation Safety Authority / Oxford Research.

Hallonsten O (2014)ERAWATCH Country Report 2013: Sweden. European Commission, Joint Research Centre Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (IPTS).

Hallonsten O (2013) ERAWATCH Country Report 2012: Sweden. European Commission, Joint Research Centre Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (IPTS).

Popular science

Hallonsten O (2021) The case for ending evaluation. Research Professional News September 16, 2021.

Hallonsten O (2018) Big Science in a small town. An introduction to ESS and MAX IV for the humanities, social sciences, economics, and legal studies. Lund University.

Hallonsten O (2016) Corporate culture has no place in academia. Nature 06.10.2016.

Hallonsten O (2015) Europe needs fresh focus on big-science projects. Nature 19.02.2015.

Hallonsten O (2014) Is common ground safe? Research Europe 23.10.2014.

Hallonsten O (2013) Don’t let brinkmanship get in the way of Big Science. Research Europe 10.10.2013.

Dr. habil. Olof Hallonsten,
Lund University School of Economics and Management,
P.O. Box 7080, 220 07 Lund, Sweden
Olof.Hallonsten [at] fek.lu.se